No matter how you slice it, adding watermelon to your plate will add a smile to your face.
Eat Watermelon, Be Happy
The Official Happy Fruit
Would you believe us if we told you that happiness is just a slice away? That’s right. A 2022 survey*, funded by NWPB, found that 100% of consumers say watermelon makes them feel happy. It’s hard to not smile at that stat. Whether you’re picking up a sweet snack for yourself or your crew, watermelon brings a little bit of happy anywhere you take it.

Comfort food comes in all shapes and slices!
81% of consumers consider watermelon a comfort food.

Let’s face the facts!
100% of consumers say watermelon makes them happy.

Mood boosted!
82% of consumers agree eating watermelon boosts their mood.

*NWPB Summer 2022 Consumer Research Findings. National Watermelon Promotion Board. Retrieved from
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Smile To These Songs
Smile and sing along to our curated happy playlist at your next picnic, party or road trip. Mood boost incoming.
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The Happy Corner
Let's get happy!
From wacky carvings to refreshing recipes, spreading the shared love for watermelon with friends and family starts with a smile
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